If you've found this blog after reading an ad on the streets of Sydney then thanks for making it this far. Well done remembering the address.
If you've stumbled in here or followed a link then have look at the ad and the rest of the blog will make more sense.
Please leave a comment and let me know what you think.
This blog aims to do two things. Explain how the ad came to be and provide further information on factory farming of pigs in Australia.
There are some other posts on here which talk about pigs and factory farming. Look for them in the right hand column. Or click here (how smart are pigs?) or here (factory farming films).
For the story on how I won the ad click here (I won ad space...).
For the short story read this:
I won the ad space as part of an advertising course. The prize was 100 poster sites to use anywhere in Australia.
I chose Sydney because most pig factory farms are in NSW. Pigs are kept in terrible conditions in factory farms. Because they are factories, the animal's welfare is only given consideration where it leads to more profit.
The result is that pigs are kept in cages too small to turn around in.
You and I can change this by choosing free-range pork, asking for free-range pork or giving up eating pork altogether.